Why are we unable to engage the Good Teachers? It is a relevant question for our society and education system that why we are unable to engage the good teachers. Why do the intelligent people not want to come in education line? What are the reasons behind this?
Why Are We Unable To Engage The Good Teachers?
There is another most important question is “Why our society is unable to engage the creative and innovative teachers?” why does our society cannot provide adaptive environment for good teachers? We will discuss this.
The Role and Duties of Society Towards the School and Teachers
Actually, a school is not only a building made of cement, concrete, bricks, and iron; it is a vital part of the society where the future of a society builds. A school is a place where several vital processes perform for the welfare of the society. So, the duties of society are most and most significant. There is an influential relation between the society and education.
Occasionally, we see that some good teachers feel uneasy in a particular society or a locality. A general question rose in mind, there is something wrong in that locality. If the parents, the students, and the gentlemen of a society play a creative, positive and effective role, the problems may be disappearing.
The needs of innovations in Teacher Training Programs
Now a day’s teaching job is being impressed by online teaching system, so there is a strong need to make our education system innovative. Teacher training programs should be more smart, innovative and useful to solving teacher's issues. There is a nice idea to provide computer training for teacher's professional development.
Useful Link: Computer literacy or internet literacy
Professional development programs for teachers are the need of modern age. There should be some in service professional development programs for teachers. Several institutions are making a work plan for online teaching jobs, so our teacher training courses also should be oriented to the latest technology.
There are two types of jobs in education sector; traditional and online. If A skilled and qualified manpower take interest in education sector, the future of education will automatically be bright.
Working Culture and Facilities
To attract the qualified and brilliant human resources in education sector, it is essential to improve the work culture and providing facilities; if our system may improve these essential needs, we can see the desired output in education sector. A good salary is a strong plus point to attract the most skilled and qualified people in education sector. Everyone likes to get maximum facilities and job security from his jobs.
There should be professional development programs for teachers, useful Workshops for teachers and a proper channel of professional development for teachers. Our system should be such type that the brilliant person like to come in education sector and the feel happy to join teacher training courses. A productive environment is needed for creativity and innovation in education.
In this article, these are my thoughts. How do you feel? Please have no hesitation to write on this blog as a comment. I have been waiting for your valuable ideas.